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Welcome To LNPS Hapur

It is well said that the progress of everything wholly depends on how it functions. A school is also no exception in this regard. The functioning of any school shows the path of its progress.

With this notion, L.N. Public School, Hapur has always strived to pave the way to its smooth functioning that has been well performed in every aspect. Since 1991, its inception year, it has never looked back in regard to its students’ progress.

Quality education and excellent discipline have been the hallmarks of the school’s crowning glory. The best available infrastructures with which the school is run, draws the attention of one and all.

L.N.P.S. News

Welcome to LN Public School

Half yearly exams are starting from 8th October 2024.

Half yearly exam date sheet has been uploaded on the student’s app.

C.B.S.E. Updates

75% Attendance has been made mandatory by the Board for classes X & XII.

Submission of list of candidates (LOC) for class X/XII Examination 2024-25 registrations started.


Total Student


Total Teacher


Total School Bus

Cultural Programs

Welcome to LNPS Hapur It is well said that the progress of everything wholly depends on how it functions. A school is also no exception in this regard. The functioning of any school shows the path of its progress. With this notion, L.N. Public School, Hapur has always strived to pave the way to its smooth functioning that has been well performed in every aspect. Since 1991, its inception year, it has never looked back in regard to its students’ progress. Quality education and excellent discipline have been the hallmarks of the school’s crowning glory. The best available infrastructures with which the school is run, draws the attention of one and all. Sports activities of high level are regularly performed. L.N. Sports Club is playing its excellent role in raising students’ sporting capabilities. I wish them the best of life.